1 Church 1 Day

Firestorm Ministries NW, like many others, long to see the body of Christ united.  We have partnered with Kingdom League International click here and we are using their strategic plan, One Church One Day click here, to help us connect churches in prayer for our geographical area.

There are two parts of this strategy we are involved in:
1.  Our one day of prayer, we cover in the geographical region.
2.  We invite other churches to sign up and take a day each month, so that our region is being prayed for every day of the month throughout the year.

If you want to sign up for the 3rd Wednesday of every month to take an hour(or more) of prayer please contact Virginia at virginia@firestormministriesnw.com



To understand One Church One Day:

Beginning in 2005 Kingdom League International launched a strategy (titled “Operation Rolling Thunder,”  from passages in Psalm 18, now known as "One Church One Day") that has proven to be a powerful way to harness the momentum from the National Day of Prayer event, and to launch a long term campaign establishing 24/7 prayer in a community.  From Charismatic to Catholic, and from Presbyterian to Pentecostal, many churches in over 36 nations have used this strategy to mobilize and connect the Church in a city or region.  The results are remarkable, supernatural, and reproducible.  Christ’s abiding presence in a community changes everything.  It is amazing what can be done when local congregations cooperate together.

  • Each local fellowship picks a day of the month to commit to for one year.
  • Each local fellowship can organize its prayer day any way desired:  some have held a continuous 24 hour meeting to which members come for prayer, while others have let members sign up for time slots.
  • Each congregation designates a prayer coordinator (CONECTER) to coordinate their schedule and communicate the agenda.
  • The prayer agenda is discerned by 7 Councils working together as a Transformation Task Force. The Councils consist of area people who are passionate about excellence in Family, Education, Government, Healthcare, Business, Church, and the Media/Arts.
  • You and your key leaders are invited to be on these Councils. Council members are encouraged to ask themselves and community leaders, “What is the Lord’s heart for this sphere of influence? What would Kingdom Transformation look like for the Federal Way/Fife area?” to identify prayer needs.  How can we measure it?  I personally have asked leaders, “What can we pray for you about?  How can we pray for the police department?” Firestorm Ministries is honored to be in partnership with Kingdom League International for our region.  Specifically, we are the point person/team to mobilize 24/7 prayer in the Federal Way area.

The canopy of prayer invites the Spirit of the Lord, who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding and of counsel and might, to guide us in agreement with the Lord’s heart for our region - to see His Kingdom Come and His will be done.

The Strategy - http://www.ortprayer.org/the-strategy.html

We would like to help your church/fellowship or body of "Believers" get started by signing you up for a set day of each month.  Please email info@firestormministriesnw.com for further information.