Tongues of Fire

Tongues of Fire

Every Wednesday until January 31
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This prayer meeting is twice a month on Wednesdays from 3PM to 4PM. Dates are announced 2 months ahead. As the name insinuates, we pray completely in tongues for this one hour.  Some people that attend had not been accustomed to praying in tongues for an extended period of time but have learned to do so.

In years past when intercessors got together in prayer meetings to pray in tongues alone, we often called it intercessory prayer meetings.  How we currently see it is a little different.  Therefore, we have changed the name to “TONGUES OF FIRE”. Anytime you pray for someone else you are interceding.  The very definition of intercession:

  • n. Entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf of another.
  • n. Mediation in a dispute.
  • n. The act of interceding; mediation; interposition between parties; solicitation or entreaty in behalf of, or sometimes against, a person or an action.

We are offering ourselves to the Lord to pray for one hour in tongues.  If He chooses to use us in battle, we will battle, even to the point of travail, and sometimes He does. Otherwise, we will spend the time praying as He leads, in tongues, for the hour. Everyone is only committing to the one hour of prayer.  We usually spend as long as the group likes sharing what we saw and heard, after we finish praying.  Those that need to leave, are free to go.  We do love hearing how God confirms what we were praying for as we compare notes.

When you arrive, please come in and start praying at 3PM.  We encourage everyone to show up early enough to park.

Currently the prayer meeting is held and Dick and Virginia’s home. If we outgrow our home, we will move to the ministry center.

2101 S 324th St. unit 51, Federal Way WA 98003.

Please call Virginia at 206-234-6273 with any questions.

We would love to have you.