Developing In The Prophetic Ministry Workshop 1 – Materials
November 15, 2019
Developing in the Prophetic Ministry Workshop is a one-day, hands-on course that is intended to “stir up the gift that is in you” (1 Tim 1:6). We won’t start you at a beginner’s level. Our goal is to allow God to work through you supernaturally and to share His heart to others. You were made to bring good news. One of the ways to bring that good news is by operating prophetically and speaking strength, encouragement and comfort to others (1 Cor 14:3). You were made to speak life to others and to change things!
This is a workshop style course that will last 5 hours and will cover the following topics:
- Remembering the Fundamentals – We know you believe in prophecy, but why is prophetic ministry so important? How should the church really regard it? What should be my motivations to get in it? We’ll take you through a review of 1 Corinthians 13-14 and get you re-motivated again. There’s a call to go deeper into prophetic ministry and be a friend of God. Are you ready for it?
- Personal Self-Governance – Principles and tips while engaging in prophetic ministry. Why is personal conduct so important while in an age of grace? What’s with all the rules and customs that we’ve got to look out for? How to encourage yourself in the Lord as David did while facing opposition. The call to personal holiness and why it’s so important.
- Prophetic groups and their Importance – Why are groups that important? Who should lead? How should one fit within a prophetic group? Should I have a mentor? Some practical tips and ideas to help you with your prophetic journey. Tips for church pastors and leaders also.
- Taking Prophetic Ministry Outside the Church Walls – Practical tips on how to operate your prophetic gifting in public, the workplace, and the marketplace. We’re taking the “religious tone” out and leaving the impact in!
- Activations and Practical Applications – Of course, practice is where prophetic people learn to get bold and better. There will be plenty of practice to share your gift with others! You might receive a word or answer that’s an answer to your prayers! Expect to be challenged!
Don Davis
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